Hammerless Revolvers
Rock Island Auction
​The Jim Supica collection of around 200 HAMMERLESS REVOLVERS will be sold by Rock Island Auction during 2024.
List of guns to be sold at the Oct. 30 auction:
These include both European and American revolvers, most made in the late 19th and early 20th century. The "Hammerless" (actually concealed hammer) design was intended to keep the hammer from snagging during pocket concealed carry. Several of these guns are illustrated in the article "Pocket Protectors of the Past - Collecting Off the Beaten Path" published in both the 2023 Standard Catalog of Firearms and the 2022 Gun Digest. They include:
AMERICAN HAMMERLESS REVOLVERS by Smith & Wesson, Iver Johnson, Forehand & Wadsworth, Foehl & Weeks, Harrington & Richardson, Meriden, Otis Smith, and others. Most are .32 S&W or .38 S&W caliber.
BABY HAMMERLESS REVOLVERS by Kolb and Sedgley. These tiny hammerless folding trigger .22 revolvers are among the smallest concealed carry handguns made in the US. There are many variations, including a larger frame .32 model.
VELODOG AND OTHER EUROPEAN REVOLVERS - These were made in a wide variety of models and configurations. Folding triggers and manual safeties are not uncommon. Calibers range from .22 to massive (and rare) .44 and .45 calibers.