For sale through Rock Island Auction, Dec. 2022 and throughout 2024
These are Smith & Wesson large frame top-break revolvers produced from 1870 to the early 1900s, including American, Russian, Schofield, New Model Number Three (NM#3), and .44 Double Action (44 DA) models and related variations.
Below are guns from this collection still remaining to be sold at upcoming Rock Island Auction sales. Please check back periodically, or go to RIA's website upcoming auctions page -
Click on "Search catalog" for the auction you're interested in, and enter "Supica" in the search window.
Smith & Wesson Model Three antique revolvers and European copies still to be sold by RIA as of Oct. 28, 2024:
to be sold by Rock Island Auction in 2024
S&W copy - Belgian copy of Russian SA for Mexico. S/N 641
S&W - .44 Double Action, 1st Mod., engraved, "Nimschke's finest". S/N 13192
S&W - .44 DA First Model, smoothbore, mottled grips. S/N 16811
S&W Single Shot .22 - . S/N 1137*
S&W - Buffalo Bill Cody associated engraved New Mod. #3, inscribed to Wm. Sweeney.. S/N 19647
S&W - Detachable stock for New Model #3
S&W - Unusual detachable shoulder stock. S/N
S&W copy - Springhead - engraved copy of .44 DA. S/N 567
S&W copy - Eibar DA Copy. S/N 714

Some S&W Model 3s from this collection sold at RIA: